Outdoor intumescent steel structure fire retardant coating


Product introduction of outdoor intumescent steel structure fire retardant coating-2.0
  Outdoor intumescent steel structure fire retardant coating-2.0, our company develops high-quality materials for fire protection of outdoor steel structures. The coating consists of a bottom layer of fire-retardant coating and a waterproof and weather-resistant surface layer. Its technical performance is better than the requirements of the WCB type in the standard.
  Physical parameters:

Technical Specifications All tests (except drying time) are performed after 7 days of curing (25°C)
Pilot projectsunitindex
drying schedule dryh≤1
Bond strengthMPa≤0.15
Compressive strengthMPa≤0.5
Resistance to freeze-thaw cyclesSecond-rate≤15
Heat exposure resistanceh ≥720
Alkali resistanceh ≥360
Acid resistanceh ≥360
Heat and moisture resistanceh ≥504
Resistant to salt spray corrosionSecond-rate≥30
Fire resistance limit coating thickness 4.0h2.0

  Application fields:
  It can be widely used in fire protection of steel structures in industrial plants, stadiums, terminals, gymnasiums, TV towers, metallurgy, electric power equipment, chemical industry, etc.
  Main features:
  It has excellent properties such as thin coating, fast drying, convenient construction, brush coating, spray coating, and roller coating, corrosion resistance, good fire resistance, and anti-aging properties.
  Construction method:
  1. Before use, the dust, oil stains and floating rust on the surface of the coated object should be removed, and the metal components should be treated with anti-rust treatment.
  2. Stir the paint thoroughly and evenly. If it is too thick, add special thinner to dilute it.
  3. During construction, brushing, roller coating, or spraying can be used. Brush (spray) once every 6-8 hours, and wait until the surface is dry before applying the next time.
  4. The thickness of each coating is ≤0.3mm.
  5. After the fire retardant coating reaches the designed thickness and dries for 48 hours, apply the matching topcoat.
  Packaging and storage:
  Packaging and storage in accordance with national regulations. The storage environment should be dry, cool, well ventilated, avoid high temperatures, and keep away from fire sources. Packaging containers must be kept tightly closed. The effective storage period is 12 months.
  Packing specification: 25kg/group
  It is not suitable for outdoor construction when the temperature of the substrate is lower than 5℃.
  Paint film performance:

serial numberTest itemsstandard requirementtest resultSingle conclusion
1Appearance of paint filmThe appearance of the coating film is normalconform toqualified
2status in containerAfter stirring, there will be no lumps and a uniform state.conform toqualified
3Surface drying time, h ≦31qualified
4Fire resistance coating thickness 4.0mm ≧2.02.0qualified
5Fully cured, d  ≥77qualified

  Health and Safety:
  Please pay attention to warning labels on packaging containers. Use in a well-ventilated environment. Do not inhale paint mist and avoid skin contact. If paint is spilled on skin, wash away immediately with suitable detergent, soap and water. If it splashes into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water and seek medical treatment immediately.
  The information provided in this product manual is entirely based on our knowledge gained in the laboratory and practice. However, since the use of products is usually beyond our control, we only guarantee the quality of the product itself. We reserve the right to modify this manual without prior notice.