High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating



Product Description                                                                                          

High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating

One component polyurethane waterproof coating, waterproof coating is a polymer reaction type wet curing membrane, it is with isocyanate, polyether based materials, with solid mixed potential agents, plasticizers and other additives with special technology by high temperature dehydration and polymerization.

When applied, it is coated with a waterproof base and chemically reacted with moisture in the air through the -NCO end group in the polyurethane prepolymer and forms a tough, soft and seamless rubber waterproof membrane on the base surface.

Material Characteristics                                                                                                              

High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating

The site is ready for use and convenient for construction. The water content of the base is not demanding, it can be built on the moist base surface, and can also be built under the condition of relatively high humidity.

Polyurethane coating has high tensile strength, high elongation, good elasticity, good resistance to high temperature and low temperature, and is adaptable to shrinkage and cracking deformation at the base.

A brush up to 1-3mm thick, coating dense, no pinholes, no bubbles.

Strong adhesion, in accordance with the requirements of the grass-roots level, do not need to brush the base treatment agent.

Color adjustable, can meet different customers on the surface of different colors of human requirements.

 Scope Of Application                                                                                          

High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating

It is suitable for waterproof construction of civil and industrial buildings, such as floor, basement, toilet, bath room and swimming pool. The utility model is more suitable for the waterproof engineering of the complicated shape and the longitudinal and horizontal parts of the pipe.

TDS [executive standard JC/T864-2008]

High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating

Serial number







Solid content /%≥



Table drying time /h≤



hard drying time /h≤




20min,No obvious tooth mark


tensile strength /mpa≥





elongation at break /%≥








Bending at low temperature

-35℃ No crack


Bond strength /mpa≥


Construction Method                                                                                         

High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating

• Grassroots requirements of strong, smooth, no debris, yin and Yang Kok to be made of arc shaped, the diameter of the negative angle is greater than 50mm, Yang Kok diameter is greater than 10mm.

• Ingredients and dosage: according to the construction amount, mixing evenly. Dosage: 1mm thick film dosage is about 1.31.5kg / m2.

• Waterproof construction: mixing paint scraper evenly coated with rubber or plastics, thickness, general 1.5mm 2.0mm, to be divided into 3 – 4 times after brushing, brushing should be in a previous film coating after curing, and vertical brushing, generally as a separate film, under the engineering floor by laying a layer of carcass reinforcing material.

• Film thickness: 1.2 2.0mm underground engineering, the general should be 1.5mm, toilet should not be less than 1.5mm, with multiple waterproof roofing engineering exposure, each thickness not less than 1.2mm, the waterproof III roof a fortification, waterproof coating thickness not less than 2mm, in between the paving material reinforced matrix the following matrix, the coating thickness not less than 1.0mm, the above coating is not less than 0.5mm.

• Finish layer construction: in the brush before the last coating is not cured, the surface of the thin sand scattered;

•Protective layer: the surface of coating waterproof layer shall be isolated and protected according to the design requirements.


High Tensile Strength One Component Polyurethane Waterproof Coating

Storage And Transportation Items                                                                  

√ Store the material in a dry, ventilated room,

√Transportation to prevent sun and rain, to prevent collisions, pay attention to fire prevention;

√Product storage period is half a year, more than storage period should be re examined, qualified before use.