acrylic topcoat

Customization Color Paint With Competitive Price Multi-use Alkyd Enamel



Water-based acrylic topcoat

product description:

It is prepared from water-based acrylic resin, pigments, fillers, additives and plasticizers.

This product has good corrosion resistance, mildew resistance, heat resistance and durability, and can be dried at room temperature.

Used for metal equipment and light metal parts that cannot be dried at high temperatures.


Technical Parameters:

Paint film color and appearanceVarious colors, smooth paint film.
Paint liquid viscosity (Tu-4 viscometer) s70~90
Drying time: drying hours≤1
Paint film flexibility mm≤1
Paint film hardness (pendulum hardness tester)  ≥0.5
Paint film adhesion (circling method) grade  ≤1
Paint film water resistance (immersed for 48 hours)   No foaming, slight color changes allowed

Construction parameters:

This product is only suitable for air spraying, and other construction methods are not advisable.

Application method: Air spray one coat.

Nozzle pressure (MPa) 0.3~0.4                 

Nozzle diameter 2~3mm

Dilution amount (volume) 0~5﹪                   

Thinner: water

Tool cleaning: water or ethanol

Paint film thickness and drying time:

The paint film thickness is based on one air spray. Dry film 20~25 (micron); wet film 35~40 (micron)

For air spraying, the construction spray viscosity (Tu-2 viscometer) is suitable for 20-25 seconds.         

Substrate surface treatment:

The metal surface must be cleaned of oil and dust before applying primer

Construction Conditions:

The coating temperature range is 10~30°C, the relative humidity is below 85%, and the surface temperature of the substrate is more than 3°C above the dew point. The temperature and humidity should be measured near the substrate. Do not continue painting in bad weather such as rain, snow, or sand. During construction, open the remaining part of the paint bucket and cover it tightly to prevent dust and other materials from mixing into the paint and affecting the construction quality.

Storage and packaging:

Storage: This product is implemented in accordance with the relevant national standards HG/T2458-1993. Store paint in a sealed, cool, dry, ventilated environment away from fire and heat sources. The effective storage period is one year. If it expires, it can be inspected according to the technical parameters of this product. If it meets the quality standards, it can still be used.

Packaging: Use 20L packaging barrel.

 Safety and health:

Pay attention to the warning instructions on the paint bucket when storing and using it to avoid problems that may affect the use of the paint.

At the construction site, attention should be paid to ventilation and anti-static and poisoning prevention measures should be taken. Construction workers should abide by the safe operating procedures and relevant regulations for painting operations. Wear protective equipment to avoid breathing paint mist and skin contact. If paint splashes into the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and go to the hospital for examination.


The effectiveness of any coating depends largely on construction factors such as coating construction, surface treatment, and paint film thickness, which directly affect the service life of the coating. Only when users meet the above construction requirements when using this product can they achieve the intended painting purpose. The data in this product manual are all accumulated theoretically and experimentally. With the continuous development and changes of the product, some data may change. Please refer to the company’s latest manual. We only provide this reminder without further notification. .

Our company’s technical personnel are not at the painting site, and our company is only responsible for the quality of the coating product itself.